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Budweiser(3) Coors-Original Miller-Lite New York- Harbor Ale Samuel Adems- Winterlager In-Line - Ale Anchor - Bock K9 - Winter Ale Anchor - Marry Christmas Poolrko - Pale ale Anchor - Spring Ale
SanakeDog - IPA Flying Dog - Raging Bitch Brooklyn - Lager Goose - 312 Urban wheat Anchor - Liberty Ale Brooklyn East IPA Brooklyn Sorachi Ace Goose 312 -IPA Boulevard -Single Wide Castaway -IPA Flying Dog-Dogtoberefest
Brew Dog-Elvis Juice Big Wave-Golden Ale Spencer-Trapist Goose Island-IPA Lagunitas - Sumpin Founders - Porter Lagunitas - Day Time Founders - Braekfast
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